Sunday, November 20, 2011

Just A Little Background

Hello all you blogger friends!

Since this is my first post, I will give you some background information about me and my life. :) I am 30 years old and am the Director of my church's preschool. I am also teaching the three year old class this year. This is my fourth year to teach there, but my first to teach three year olds. Every other year I have taught the fours. This is also my second year as the Director. I live in a small town, and the preschool is only open two days a week, so the rest of the days are spent taking care of director duties. I love my job, and adore the children even more!

I haven't been able to work since October 20th. I had been having back pain for several months and it finally got to the point where I could barely stand, walk, or sit without being in excrutiating pain. After a few ER vists, doctor visits, xrays, CT scans, and an MRI we finally had an answer to what was causing the pain. I have two severely herniated discs, and am awaiting a visit with a neurosurgeon. Until then, I am on mandatory bedrest. It has been a month already, and will be another before my appointment December 13th.

It is a long time to be in bed, but I am making the most of it! :) I have been reading my Bible a lot more and spending more time in prayer. My relationship with God is better than ever before! And it is all because He never gave up on me.

Through this blog I hope to pass the time quicker, as well as satisfy my hunger for writing. I hope to be humorous at times as I tell about my daily adventures. Yet, also be strikingly honest.

We shall see how it goes. :)

Today, so far, has been a good day. I woke with much less pain than yesterday. My neice spent the night last night, so we had some snuggle time this morning. Then she helped me fold and put away laundry, and re-arrange some pictures and trinkets in my room. She loves helping! We had to move some stuff around because my brother in law (her daddy) is going to move a TV into my room so I can watch TV some and not be quite so bored. Very nice of him! :) As I said before, I read a lot, but one can only read so much before becoming bored. I am so thankful to have family so close that care so much about me and my well-being. I have truly been blessed!

Until next time! :)

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