In the last four weeks or so God has really taught me a lot. About Him, His love, His will for my life, and many not so great qualities I possess have been pointed out. I have truly enjoyed the lessons, even the hard to swallow ones. One of the biggest things He has taught me is that He loves me, and will always be here to help me. That may sound like simple truths to you, but there is really nothing simple about it. Let's look at them each separately.
Everyone has heard all their lives that God and Jesus love them, but have you every really meditated on what that means? About the gravity of it? Jesus' whole purpose for becoming human and coming to this earth was to be crucified as a sacrifice and offering for our sins. He was perfect. Sinless, despite being tempted just as we are, and He suffered immensely through being tempted. Yet still, He was without sin. He suffered through His short 33 years here, yet never did He doubt His Father, nor did He turn from Him. He was led to Calvary like a sheep is led to the slaughter, and never opened His mouth. He endured a beating far worse than any other human could endure. He was mocked and bullied, and still He loved! When He hung on the cross His heart broke because of our sins. My sins! He felt the horrific weight of my sins. The guilt. The shame. The sadness. He not only bore my sins, but the sins of all humanity! Wow! Think about that for a bit. How amazing is that? And still thats not all. As His heart broke for us, He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Really? He is dying on the cross and asking God to forgive the very people that killed Him!! And He asked for our forgiveness, too, because it was our sins that put Him there. That, my friends, is love! Pure, perfect love!
Now, the other thing I said He has taught me is that He will always help me in times of trouble. He has proven that to me repeatedly, and still I do not always get it. Shame on me!
I have been shown His love and caring time and time again. I feel it now more than ever before! And I am so thankful that He continues teaching me. I don't always see that there is a way to climb above the messes I make in my life. And then I have this gentle reminder that if I put mfaith and trust in Him, He will guide me through. And He does! It is when I choose to be stubborn that I really get into trouble, because I try to handle things on my own. I am learning, though, how to trust Him more, and it feels great when I succeed the first time! Granted, that doesn't happen often yet, but I will get there.
I -am- a work in progress. :)
Until next time...
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